Automatic Billing: All gym families must have a credit card on file and will be automatically charged at the beginning of each month. Enrollment in Auto-Pay lasts until your students withdraw from the program. Your gymnasts will not be allowed to participate in classes if your tuition payment is not completed.
Payment methods: We are only accepting payments online via the parent portal at this time, we cannot guarantee staff are always available to accept payments in person.
Annual Membership Registration: Our policy requires us to insure every student. For secondary insurance and administrative costs, there is a fee of $60.00 per year per child. Memberships expire and are subject to renewal every 12 months after signing up.
Dropping a Class: To drop a class, we require written notice via email by the 15th day of the current month, to avoid being auto-charged for the upcoming month. If you submit notice after the 15th day of the current month, you will be charged a $50 late cancellation fee. Tuition & membership fees are non-refundable.
Make-up Classes: We are not able to offer any make-up classes at this time for individual absences. We do not prorate tuition or registration for any missed classes. The only time we can put your account on hold is if your gymnast has a physical injury preventing them from participating in class, and you email us a doctor’s note that includes specific dates.
Holidays: Holidays are fixed into the monthly tuition rates and do not receive make-up classes. Classes operate 48 weeks per year. Scheduled holidays are shown on our color coded gym calendar which is always linked at the top of the website.
Dress Code: Girls can wear either a leotard, or athletic shorts with a fitted t-shirt. (Tights may be worn - without feet). Hair must be tied up (out of face) Two-pieces are not allowed. Boys can wear a t-shirt and shorts or sweats without pockets. No large baggy clothes or jeans. No zippers, snaps, buttons, or jewelry allowed for your child’s safety.
Parent Viewing: Parents are welcome to view classes at any time. Please stay in the designated parent seating area, no food or drink besides water is allowed. Children must be attended at all times, unattended children are a safety hazard and are not permitted inside the gates surrounding the equipment. For reasons of safety, parent/child communication is not allowed during lessons because gymnasts need to hear the voice of their instructor/coach without distraction.
Warm-Ups: For your child's safety, please arrive on time. The warm-up is very important to your child's safety. Therefore, students arriving fifteen minutes late or more might not be allowed to participate in class.
Late Pickup: Please contact the office if you will be late when picking your child up, a $20 per ½ hour late fee will apply to late pickups.
Insurance Restrictions: Only registered participating gymnasts are allowed in the training area. Due to insurance restrictions and for the safety of your child, no one is allowed in the training area before class or without an instructor. When class is over, the gymnast must leave the training area. Parents or non-registered students must remain in the viewing area.
Parking: Please park only in areas designated for Monterey Gym next to the building. Do not park in the red fire lane. Space is limited, so please free up spaces for the next classes as soon as your child’s class ends.Type your paragraph here.
Monterey Bay Academy of Gymnastics, Cheer, & Dance © 2013