Kindergarten & up
We highly recommend your gymnast attend 2x per week to get the most out of their class. Tuition to attend twice per week is $160 per month. Tuition to attend once per week is $95 per month.
Your first month we also charge a $60 annual membership fee per gymnast. Self-register via our parent portal or email us for assistance
Below is our current offering of recreational classes, our competitive team is invitation only.
18 Months to 5 years old
At this time we only offer Weenastics and Prenastics classes on Saturdays.
We'd like to start offering weekday classes again, so please join our waiting lists via the parent portal to be notified when they re-open!
Weenastics classes are 30 minutes long & tuition is $60 per month to attend class once per week.
1 parent/guardian is allowed on the floor per enrolled child. Siblings cannot come onto the floor & should not remain unattended in our facility.
Prenastics classes are 40 minutes long & tuition is $80 per month to attend class once per week.
Students join coaches on the main floor by themselves, parents are welcome to watch from our observation deck, please just sign our waiver in the front desk your first time in!
Your first month we also charge a $60 annual membership fee per gymnast. Self-register via the parent portal or email us for assistance.
At this time we are not scheduling free trials or make-ups
Monterey Bay Academy of Gymnastics, Cheer, & Dance © 2013